The sentence "...the most biologically diverse place on the Earth..." had been used every time somebody tried to explain what the Osa Peninsula is. Who gave to the Osa this definition was The National Geographic magazine, after having recorded many scientific investigation documentaries in Costa Rica, and specially in this area, but there is no way to explain what this piece of land really is....only if you will spend here some weeks, not just days, you would capture a glimpse of the beauty of this unique piece of the Planet.
In this Last Eden of less than 2000 square kilometers, that offers environment so different like: sandy beaches and rain-forest, rivers and lagoons, open ocean islands and marshland palm forest, open prairies and the widest mangrove complex of Central America, hundreds of botanists, entomologists, herpetologists and all the specialized biologists of the world, find here material for their investigations and challenges in the registration of some astonishing new specie every day.
So what means to achieve one property here? Is not just becoming the owner of a piece of land and some trees on it, but is becoming the caretaker of a piece of the world's natural heritage. Oceanfront properties are visited several time per year by nesting Sea turtles, in the forests lands, hundreds of different kind of orchids grow and flower thanks to thousand of insects and colibries that pollinate them, in the same streets of Puerto Jimenez, the main town of the Osa, flocks of Scarlet Macaws feed on the trees that grow in the gardens of the houses or in the beach front properties.
We, at The Osa Peninsula Properties, with few other Costa Rica Real Estate agencies, are strongly concerned about a too fast growing of the area without a common feeling of protection of the environment amongst the owners of the properties still to develop, and, always, we try to offer the most delicate ones to peoples interested mainly in conservation.
So, please, be free to ask us all the information you think you need, and in the same time try to give us an idea about your project, so, based on our more than two decades experience in buying and selling properties, building houses and lodges, manage commercial and industrial properties and projects, we could give you some FREE counsel and advise for the right start of your new life in this piece of Paradise.
A Beautiful, Unique Design Styled House plus 2 Guests Houses, on a scenic property on the Highland of the Osa Peninsula Central Ridge.
The Main House and the Guest Houses are fully furnished with High quality furniture, doors and windows, powered by a practically new Solar System, that allow to work with any kind of Light, Tools and Machines.
The House and the Guests Houses, that actually are operating as Airbnb rental, are built on a huge 22 Hectares of Land, mostly forest ( primary and secondary) where pluri-secular Ceiba trees are living, with a parcel used as Cocoa Plantation, and bordered by a 1.4 kilometers (!!) of River, that is coming directly from the Corcovado National Park, that is located at less than 5 kilometers in a straight line.
Al the Constructions are build with High Quality materials and technique ( we know this because we built them!!! And if you buy this property from us you will have first hand assistance for any problem that could appear in the future, if any will appear!) and a great water system is serving the House , bringing the water from the Public Water Service to four big stocking tanks, and a private well inside the same land, close to the river and its crystals pure waters, is used too for gardening purposes.
The surroundings offer a lot of Outdoor Activities Options, from forest hiking, to horseback treks, kayaking in the Golfo Dulce, first class Big Game Fishing, Gold prospecting, Nighttime Wildlife Tours, etc. etc.
This property has everything, and it is a High Standard Everything !!!… can have a turnkey House and a rental business in a perfectly landscaped tropical garden, surrounded by forest full of the most amazing wildlife of the Osa Peninsula, at just 15 minutes from all the services of Downtown Puerto Jimenez and 20 minutes from the Corcovado National Park Border…what do you want more???.. OCEAN VIEW???.....OK…OK…..that too is included in the DREAM PACKAGE…..
If you have the money for the price of this UNIQUE PROPERTY, don’t hesitate a minute…..grab it while it is still available!!…things are developing fast here around and the Good and Great Real Estate are really few, and their prices is rising everyday……this one, in this moment, is still at 1.5 millions$......and it is just the land purchase and construction costs.....nobody could make a similar group of buildings, internal roads, electric and water systems for less that this amount...believe me...I sold the raw land and made the rest!!
Farmland with Trees, Creek and Pastureland
This Beautiful piece of land , located at 15 minutes from Puerto Jimenez, easy accessible all
the year long, has electric grid and public water at the gate. There is an open space just
in front of the road, then a small Creek that runs across the property, an area with trees and
clear space among them, than the pastureland with some big palm and trees. In one area would
be possible, doing some digging, create a small pond for water plants and fishes. The front road
is heading, with a 3 minutes drive, to a local solitary beach. This proposal is for a minimum
surface of 1.5 hectares, but more land is possible to be added, if request. Fully titled land
for an easy and safe transfer.
5 ha farm, or more if needed, with enough Pasture for several Cows or Horses, a freshwater Creek
for to give them all the water they need, the whole year and some area of forest, that hosts many
wildlife species, from rare birds to many monkeys, up to Tapir.....
Easy access the whole year, electric grid and public water available, plenty of room for vegetable
and fruit production and a Low Price, this is a great catch for anybody looking for a good piece
of land for to switch lifestyle and move out of the crowd......
Golfo Dulce beaches are at less than 20 minutes drive, and town with all services at less than 25 minutes.
A 15 Ha slightly undulate Farmland with a patch of forest, easy road access the whole year,
electric grid and public water at the door, located in a quiet area with almost to vehicles transit.
Perfect for a Farm project, with plenty of room where to build a luxury Farm House, Stables and Barns,
with pasture for 20 or more cattle/ horses.
Eventually a quality residential development, is possible too, with room for 5-10 units, all with
enough room around for privacy and quiet. The Corcovado Park is at less than 6 km on the hillin the back,
and the Golfo Dulce beaches are at less that 20 minutes drive
from this land, and the flock of birds you see in the video are Scarlet Macaws, common guests, together
with many birds and other animals.
Is , eventually , possible to purchase just a section of this property.
A flat farm of 14 ha with a couple of Hectares of forest, along the river bank, with good selected grass for livestock, perfect for somebody interested in breeding horses or cattle, and having his house far from the crowd, at a view sight from the Corcovado Park Forest.
Even a 9 Holes Golf Course could be a possible project here
The River that runs along the longest border, has water the whole year, and in the bed gravel, is still possible to find some Gold.
The Electric grid is at 150 metres from the ideal building spot, and a gravel road assure easy access all the time.
Fully titled , and reasonably prices, is ready top go without any issue.
33 Hectares of undulated Farm Land, half pasture and half Oil Palm Plantation with a nice
river running along the Lower border.
Located on the Central Ridge of the Osa Peninsula, on the boundaries of World Well Known
Corcovado National Park, offers, from the higher part of the land, a beautiful View of the
Golfo Dulce and the river valley.
At few minutes drive from Puerto Jimenez, in a quiet neighborhood, in the central area of
the Osa Peninsula, we are offering This 3 Ha of flat land with one third of forest with
huge trees, a recently built House ( never used!!) , several fruit trees, Bamboos, and nice
landscaped garden.
Electric grid and Public Water service are already present in the property.
Perfect for a residential unit with lot of land for Horses or Cattle, Organic Agriculture
and, eventually cut away some lot for a residential development.
A very motivated Owner is needing to sell it quickly, so , the price is really,
really interesting.
7.5 Ha Farmland with House and Ocean View
At few minutes drive from Puerto Jimenez, this 7.5 Ha fully titled with a House,
built with all the permits, has an Ocean View building spot in the upper part,
a fresh water spring with a creek in the lower border and many areas good for agricultural use.
In a fast growing market prices this property is still offered at pre-pandemic price,
making it one of the most interesting properties in the Osa Peninsula.
Solid 2 bedroom ( with AC) House with 6000 sq metres of oil palm farm and riverside,
in the central Osa Peninsula. Located at the starting of the farms road that,
in a few kilometres, reaches the border of the Corcovado Park, can be a perfect centre
for Horse-backing Excursions along scenic forest and farm trails. Fully titled is ready to go immediately.
Built with a lot of Tropical Hardwood for Ceiling , walling and Doors, is a great investment at a bargain price, in a fast skyrocketing market.
More land is available if needed.
This 5 hectares property offers the possibility to build one or more residential units or a tourism project,
on a soft sloped hill, covered by Forest, with a nice small creek that starts in the same land,
guaranteeing pure fresh water for any use. Located at 20 minutes easy drive from Puerto Jimenez,
and 15 from the Beaches on the Golfo Dulce, has public water just at the gate and the electric grid is
at less than 200 metres. The front of the land is flat and destined to pasture for cow and horses,
and can become the Orchard and the Vegetables Production area for a Family or Group looking for
total Food Independence. A huge Ceiba tree, in the middle of the pastureland, could easily host
a Tree House and/or a canopy Experience.
This 4.5 hectares ( 11 acres) fully titled property offers the possibility to build a house with
a great Ocean and Forest view , with secondary forest and a Crystal Water Pristine River in
the lower part has many small, natural Ponds perfect for relax , meditation or just cool down.
There are other two buildable area with good view too ,and plenty of space, along
the River Bank, where build hidden cabins and other facilities for some Water Healing project, after a detailed work of trimming the secondary vegetation that growth wildly after the land had been dismissed from the agricultural use. Tapir, Monkeys, Hawks, Deer, Coati and many more animals visit the Woods and the River everyday and night
A Spring Inside the property and a well guarantee an abundant water supply for the house/s and gardening.
Easy road access the whole year, no electric grid here, with good cellular coverage.
Priced for sell, is one the top Ocean view opportunities .
7.5 Ha in Downtown La Palma
Totally flat land with a creek with fishes, shrimps and birds, on one border and inside a portion of the land. Electric grid and public water at the gate, and at 200 meters from grocery shops, bus stop, and hardware store. Playa Blanca is at less than 5 minutes drive, and the Los Patos Entrance to the Corcovado Park is at 25-30 minute drive.
Perfect estate for a residential development, with different areas for different styles and Buyers target. The price is very, very attractive, and this land never appeared on the market before, so it will not last a lot.
The Osa Peninsula Properties has the EXCLUSIVE for the sale of this estate , inquire without hesitations.
At few minutes drive from Puerto Jimenez Downtown, and at ten from the closest beach, this 3.5 Ha Farmland,
part Pasture, part Oil Palm Plantation, offers the possibility to transform it in a Residential Farm with room
for vegetables, fruit trees, a great Landscaped Garden and still space enough for Horses.
Close to basic Grocery stores, electric grid and public water already connected, it is a great option too for a
residential units development....the availability of Houses for rent or buy in the PJ area is largely lower than requests
and the development of a High End Residential complex and the first Marina in the Golfo Dulce, will increment the need of
more houses. The price is still the one you can expect for a Farm, but you are buying much more than that
This the perfect property for anybody that want to live in a place were nature is present and vibrant,
without having to deal with long and complicated drives to and from Downtown facilities and services.
1/2 an hectare ( a little more than one acre) of flat land that can be destined to some small agricultural
project for self sustainability, fruit orchard or pastureland for a couple of horses.
1.5 Hectares of forest ( mainly secondary) all around a hill, that is the perfect place where to build
a beautiful house with big trees all around for fresh air all the day and night.
A small but beautiful creek with crystal water is snaking in between the flat area and the Forest Hill,
offering several point where it is possible to create a small pond for a refreshing bath, under the
Forest Trees.
Fully titled, would need solar system for some more year ( the grid will be extend to this point )
and no problem for to get pure water from a well ( still to dig out) in the lower part.
Priced for to go, is immediately available.
Spectacular Hill and River Valley Farmland with some Ocean View spots for House Building. In these 20 + hectares of combed pastureland, secondary and primary forest, hundreds of fruit trees produce orange, lemons, mango, avocados, papaya, bananas, and many more. The Farmers family that live in the simple but well maintained house on the River bank, is almost totally self sufficient for their food, raising chicken, turkey, pigs, cow and tilapia fish.
Several Water Spring produce pure water for the family needs and more for the local public water service, from the top of the property and from a couple of lower hilltops, is possible to have a nice view of the Golfo Dulce. Many ponds in the Crystal Clear River bed, are natural tub, perfect for water therapy or just for to offer a fantastic cooling to Guests, after horseback tours along the trails that head to the border of the Corcovado Park, at less that 2 hours ride. This is the perfect land for anybody that want to start a new life producing his own food, in a secluded ShanGri-La Valley, where wild Deer and the rare Tapir walk undisturbed, but still at 20 minutes from almost all the services of the area. Solar panels already allow the Farmer Family the use of light and TV set, but a bigger system is needed for a more important setting.Public road access the whole year and a good internal road allow any 4WD and easy drive in and out.
Very, very few properties in the Osa Peninsula offer all the qualities of this secluded Beachfront piece of land.
Easy , private, road access the whole year, electric grid, Permiso de Uso of the Municipality, a two bedroom owner house, a guest house that sell in web platforms, a River along one border that create a natural Boat harbor, a well maintained Garden with a pond where fish can be growth, and total privacy created by mangrove complex on both sides of the beach…
One more 5 Ha land, at few hundred metres in the back of this property , is available too, for a possible combined tourism or residential development.
All in name of a Corporation for a quick change of ownership, is priced for sell and, eventually, an owner financing is possible.
This Property offers the rare opportunity to start a Tourist Business,
for people interested in Bird-watching and Wildlife Photography, directly inside the boundaries
of the same Land. In the Osa Peninsula Bird-watching and Nature Observation are the core
of the economy, and almost the sole activity that produce an income for a lot of guides, hotel,
restaurant, transportation, shops, etc. . In this Osa Peninsula Property there are a
Caretaker House and a couple of wooden cabins under the trees along the creek that runs inside the land,
all structures that need a strong remaking. in the middle of the Fruit threes garden,
there is a nice spot where to build a new house , and distributes all around, other spots
are possible building area of cabins for guests, all of them with the possibility to observe Birds,
Monkey, Coati and many other, staying in the porch. The main Attraction here are two Lagoons
fed by natural springs, with huge Bamboo canes along one side, that are the preferred nesting
spots for hundreds of Egrets, Herons, Aninga and many other birds. During the Season, the same
Bamboo Canes are the Night Safe spot for the same Birds Species that arrive at sunset time in huge flocks.
The actual Owners are very motivated for a sale at a very , very good price!!
We would have to fill some dozen of pages like this, for to be able to show you the most interesting Osa Peninsula Real Estate.... and.... we did the past....
We are not doing it anymore.
Too many times we saw the pictures that we shot in the field, being stolen and used by some local people that act as " realtor", or the maps we placed for to show the area where the Properties were, used by some " smart prospector " for to reach directly the Land Owners, with the idea that they could save the money of the commission we get when we sell a Property.
So, here you will find some of the many Osa Peninsula Real Estate we represent, some as sole agent, but the right way to find what you are looking for, is just calling us or drop a couple of lines, email or whatsapp, describing your " Dream Land Project ", and we will return you a fan of proposal, focused on your specs, and, maybe, if you give us the right input, maybe, we could share with you some Property that is not on the Market , for several reasons maintained hidden from the not fitting curious.
Please, be clear and transparent with us when you will list the parameters that mark the game field, and we will give you the best options we have, without trying to guess or adapt some specs.....I am pretty sure that, if you are not in a hurry, and talk with us the necessary, WE WILL FIND IT!!
20 Ha Ocean view Farmland , 10 Ha productive palm plantation and
10 Ha pastureland, 4 sites for building houses, public water, fresh
water spring, electric grid, easy road access, fully titled, with a wide
Farm house.
Located in the proximity of the Corcovado Park, this Osa Peninsula
Real Estate is a great option for an agro-tourism project,
or for a small residential development.
Fully Titled is ready for to go immediately.
This Osa Peninsula Property , at just 15 minutes from Puerto Jimenez
downtown, and 10 from the closest beach, this hillside farmland,
offers the perfect combination of a Real Estate that allow building
some residential unit and still have room for raise Horses, Cattle
or other animals, having room for dozens of fruit trees and space
for grow totally organic vegetables.
Along two borders the Forest offer shelter and nesting spots for birds
and mammals, and a creek that runs along the lower border,
create a nice fresh environment for frogs, and beverage for wildlife.

This is an almost unique property in the Osa Ocean view House with Forest, Garden and several hectares of Beachfront forest!! Easy road access the whole year, electric grid, public water, Solid Anti seismic structure , a Guest house and priced for to be sold quickly.....
A secluded property at the end of the road, with Ocean view open land with
fruit trees and vegetables crops, all around the Basic Farm House .
There are more that 10 Ha of secondary and some primary forest,
with a couple of building spots in the higher part, with good Ocean view,
special for an High end residential units or an Eco Lodge development.
Electric grid inside the land and two fresh water spring that produce
crystal pure water all the year long. At 5 minutes drive from the basic services,
15 from Puerto Jimenez, and 10 from the closest beach.
Easy road access all the year long.

Just at few minutes driving from Puerto Jimenez downtown, this hillside land, almost all covered by secondary and primary forest, with a creek running in the lower part of it, has one house, just at the entry of the property, and one structure, used as hostel, in the forested area in the back. This Osa Peninsula Forest Property is the perfect opportunity for somebody that want to move here and immediately start a small Eco-Tourism business that can be run by a family, and having room for to grow organic fruit and vegetables.
At the very top of the Hills, close to the Corcovado National Park, this one hectare Property, half pastureland and half forest, offers a great Ocean view of the Golfo Dulce.
Perfect location for a residential unit or a small Eco-lodging structure.
Fully titled and reasonable priced for a quick sale.
If you are looking for a private, remote, secluded piece of land, with good Forest, Oceanfront,
Great Ocean View, Water spring ( that reaches the Beach forming a small waterfall), well, this is your Land.
Located in the North-West coast of the Golfo Dulce, this Osa Peninsula Property offers great opportunity
for a low impact tourism development as a very exclusive residential one. In front o the beach the turquoise
waters of the gulf offer a safe mooring with every tide level, and at few hundred metres, there is
a shallow water coral reef for an interesting snorkeling activity, while the top of the Dome ( and almost Island)
is a perfect place for a campsite with incredible scenic spots. The property own a Permiso de Uso
for to develop any of these project, and the Owner is motivated to sell. All in name of a corporation
for a quick switch of ownership.
A Real Rarity….a 3 Bdr, 2 Baths, covered Garage, full equipped kitchen with stove, refrigerator, hot water, Jacuzzi, and a great gazebo for BBQ. The property is fully titled . The walls are in concrete while the roof structure and ceiling are in Teak wood. Electric grid is serving the Property and there is a private water source. All around a primary and secondary forest guarantee a full immersion in the tropical nature, and just along the edge of the community land the Aguja river offers his waters for refreshing bathing.